Watermelon and Ramadan: A Refreshing Choice, But Wait for the Season!

Watermelon and Ramadan: A Refreshing Choice, But Wait for the Season!

By: Saika J Ramadan in Kashmir is a time of vibrant traditions, community spirit, and of course, delicious food. As the days lengthen and the crisp mountain air warms, many Kashmiris crave a cool, refreshing slice of Handwaan (watermelon). Handwaan is undeniably a delightful fruit, boasting 92% water content, making it a natural hydrator perfect for combating the summer heat. However, it’s important to prioritize health and celebrate the bounty of Kashmir’s natural harvest. Here’s the truth: Handwaan available during Ramadan often aren’t naturally ripe. These melons may be artificially…

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Nourishing Your Defenses: A Guide to Food-Based Immunity Boosters

Nourishing Your Defenses: A Guide to Food-Based Immunity Boosters

By : Saika J As the sun casts its golden glow upon the snow-capped peaks of Kashmir, a gentle reminder emerges – nurturing our well-being is paramount throughout the year. With the summer heat approaching, staying hydrated and safeguarding against seasonal ailments like dehydration, heatstroke, and diarrhea becomes even more crucial. While the world continues to grapple with various health concerns, one fundamental truth remains: a robust immune system is our body’s first line of defense against illness and viruses. While numerous supplements and products claim to bolster immunity, the…

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Unveiling the Power of Dry Fruits: Nature’s Allies in Your Weight Management Journey

Unveiling the Power of Dry Fruits: Nature's Allies in Your Weight Management Journey

By: Saika J The modern world, with its relentless pace and convenience-driven approach, has presented us with a new set of challenges. One such concern is the growing prevalence of obesity, often linked to the stress and dietary pitfalls of contemporary life. In this quest for a healthier lifestyle, individuals increasingly turn to nature’s bounty, including dry fruits, as natural allies in their weight management journeys. More than just a snack: Dry fruits are not mere substitutes for sugary treats. They are concentrated powerhouses of essential nutrients, boasting impressive levels…

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The Digital Gaze: Navigating Eye Health in a Screen-Obsessed World

The Digital Gaze: Navigating Eye Health in a Screen-Obsessed World

Screen Time: Friend or Foe to Your Eyes? By: Saika J Our screens, once portals to knowledge and entertainment, have become inescapable companions, holding both our attention and a potential threat to our precious eyesight. While some might believe magic diets or miraculous exercises can restore perfect vision, experts paint a different picture. This article delves into the realities of maintaining good eye health in a digital age, offering practical tips from leading ophthalmologists to help you see the world with clarity. Beyond the Myths: Understanding Vision Dr. Parul Sharma,…

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Fiber, Omega-3s, and Plant Power: Unveiling the Cholesterol-Fighting Secrets of 10 Superfoods

Fiber, Omega-3s, and Plant Power: Unveiling the Cholesterol-Fighting Secrets of 10 Superfoods

10 Delicious Weapons in Your Arsenal: Foods to Naturally Manage Cholesterol By: Saika J Cholesterol, a fatty substance made by your liver and found in some foods, isn’t inherently bad. But when its levels get too high, it can stick to your artery walls, forming plaque and increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. This is where dietary heroes step in, offering delicious ways to naturally manage cholesterol and support your heart health. Here are 10 powerful food items to add to your arsenal: 1. Whole Grains: Pillars of…

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Awaken Your Metabolism: Orchestrating a Fat-Burning Breakfast Symphony

Awaken Your Metabolism: Orchestrating a Fat-Burning Breakfast Symphony

By: Saika J Forget the tired routine of toast and cereal – your mornings deserve a weight-loss symphony, a delicious concerto of food that kickstarts your metabolism and sets the stage for a day of mindful eating. Each morning bite becomes a conductor, orchestrating a chorus of satiety and fat-burning enzymes, leading you towards a slimmer, healthier you. The Overture: The Power of Protein and Healthy Fats Imagine your gut as a bustling marketplace, cravings the boisterous vendors, and willpower the weary shopper. A high-protein, healthy-fat breakfast is like a…

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The Unseen Maestro: Mastering the Symphony of Uric Acid Harmony

The Unseen Maestro: Mastering the Symphony of Uric Acid Harmony

By: Saika J In the intricate orchestra of our health, uric acid plays the role of a silent conductor, often overlooked until its dissonance disrupts the symphony. Join us on an expedition into the veiled realm of uric acid, where its secrets unfold, and its impact on our well-being becomes clearer. Prelude: The Balancing Act of Creation and Excretion Picture our bodies as tightrope walkers, delicately navigating the consumption and expulsion of purines. Found in delectable treats like seafood and red meat, purines are transformed into uric acid. The challenge…

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Unheeded Warnings: Kashmir’s Antibiotic Abuse Breeds Drug-Resistant Superbugs

Unheeded Warnings: Kashmir's Antibiotic Abuse Breeds Drug-Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic resistance – the silent foe lurking in your medicine cabinet: A deepdive into the hidden pandemic and how to combat it By: Saika J In the hushed halls of hospitals and the bustle of everyday lives, a silent threat hangs heavy – antibiotic resistance (AMR). Doctors in Kashmir, echoing a global chorus, raise a stark alarm: this isn’t a distant specter, but a hidden pandemic unfolding right under our noses. Self-medication with antibiotics, fueled by unchecked access and fueled by misplaced notions of quick cures, paves the way for…

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Delicious Defense: How Combining These Foods Can Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol

Delicious Defense: How Combining These Foods Can Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol

Mastering Cholesterol: A Comprehensive Guide to Cardiovascular Wellness By: Saika J, Health Expert Cholesterol, a complex actor within our veins, serves as both a foundational element for healthy cells and a silent saboteur. The notorious LDL cholesterol, often dubbed the villain, deposits fatty buildups in arteries, paving the way for heart diseases and strokes. The World Health Organization’s revelation that approximately 50% of adults grapple with high cholesterol underscores the urgency of proactive measures. This exploration unveils the potential of five dynamic food combinations and morning elixirs to combat this…

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Conquering the Butterfly: Managing Hypothyroidism Through the Power of Food and Lifestyle

Conquering the Butterfly: Managing Hypothyroidism Through the Power of Food and Lifestyle

Beyond Weight Loss: Conquering the Challenges of Hypothyroidism with Nature’s Bounty By: Saika J Nestled in the depths of your neck, lies a butterfly-shaped sentinel named the thyroid gland. This silent maestro orchestrates a symphony of hormones, governing your metabolism, growth, and energy levels. A delicate balance maintains this internal orchestra, but when the thyroid falters, its melody can turn melancholic. Hypothyroidism, characterized by an underactive thyroid, throws this harmony into disarray, casting a shadow of fatigue, weight gain, and various health concerns. Understanding the Chorus of Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism isn’t…

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