Snowfall Fuels Fire: Traditional Kangris Back in Demand After Dip in Sales

Snowfall Fuels Fire: Traditional Kangris Back in Demand After Dip in Sales

The Enduring Ember: How Kashmiris Rediscover the Warmth of the Kangri in a Changing Winter Srinagar: The first snowflakes whispered secrets of winter’s descent upon the Kashmir Valley. A hush fell over the bustling squares, replaced by the rhythmic clack of hammers against clay. In workshops tucked away from the tourist clamor, artisans breathed life into age-old companions – the Kangris, traditional firepots that have warmed generations amidst the harsh Himalayan chill. This year, however, the winter whispered differently. A prolonged dry spell cast a shadow over the Kangri makers,…

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Delicious Defense: How Combining These Foods Can Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol

Delicious Defense: How Combining These Foods Can Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol

Mastering Cholesterol: A Comprehensive Guide to Cardiovascular Wellness By: Saika J, Health Expert Cholesterol, a complex actor within our veins, serves as both a foundational element for healthy cells and a silent saboteur. The notorious LDL cholesterol, often dubbed the villain, deposits fatty buildups in arteries, paving the way for heart diseases and strokes. The World Health Organization’s revelation that approximately 50% of adults grapple with high cholesterol underscores the urgency of proactive measures. This exploration unveils the potential of five dynamic food combinations and morning elixirs to combat this…

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Unlocking Nature’s Healing Touch: A Comprehensive Guide to Herbs and Spices for Natural Blood Pressure Management

Unlocking Nature's Healing Touch: A Comprehensive Guide to Herbs and Spices for Natural Blood Pressure Management

Harnessing Nature’s Bounty for Natural Blood Pressure Management By : Javid Amin In the relentless pursuit of holistic health, the realm of herbs and spices emerges as a treasure trove for managing hypertension, the silent adversary affecting millions worldwide. While pharmaceutical interventions are prevalent, delving into the richness of nature’s pharmacy offers an intriguing avenue for promoting cardiovascular well-being. Embark on a journey through these 11 herbs and spices celebrated for their profound properties: 1. Garlic: The Heart’s Ally Key Compound: Allicin Mechanism: Promotes vasodilation, relaxing blood vessels, enhancing blood…

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Cold Showers: The Natural Way to Improve Your Hair and Skin Health

Cold Showers: The Natural Way to Improve Your Hair and Skin Health

Uncover the transformative advantages of incorporating cold showers into your daily routine for better hair and skin health In the realm of daily shower rituals, the warmth of a comforting shower often takes precedence however, a growing number of dermatologists are now advocating for a surprising alternative: cold showers. These cold immersions may seem daunting but they hold the promise of significant benefits for both skin and hair. Let’s explore the wisdom shared by dermatological experts and uncover the transformative advantages of incorporating cold showers into your daily routine: 1.…

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Short Naps: A quick fix for better memory, productivity, and health

Short Naps: A quick fix for better memory, productivity, and health

Napping during the day is an ancient custom that is practiced worldwide. While some people view napping as a luxurious indulgence, others see it as a way to maintain alertness and well-being. But napping can come with drawbacks as well as benefits. As an orofacial pain specialist, I have extensive education in sleep medicine and how sleep impacts wellness, due mostly to the relationship between sleep and painful conditions such as headaches and facial pain. My training involved all aspects of sleep, especially sleep breathing disorders, insomnia and sleep-related movement…

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