Eye Lie: Hindi films from Zanjeer to Mission Kashmir to The Kashmir Files have routinely used kohl to mark out the villainous ‘Muslim’ Man

Eye Lie: Hindi films from Zanjeer to Mission Kashmir to The Kashmir Files have routinely used kohl to mark out the villainous ‘Muslim’ Man

By: Chandrima S. Bhattacharya The best way to identify a “terrorist” in a Bollywood film is by his kohl-lined eyes. The latest example is The Kashmir Files and we will not delve into the viciousness of the rest of the film here. But a man’s kohl eyes are by themselves a phenomenon worth looking at. They are backed by a long line of tradition in popular Indian cinema which has been reinforced recently. Strictly speaking, a man wearing kohl, or surma, may be more than a “terrorist”. On-screen, a man’s kohl-lined eyes…

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