Bengaluru Schools Receive Anonymous Bomb Threats, Triggering Widespread Panic

Bengaluru Schools Receive Anonymous Bomb Threats, Triggering Widespread Panic

15 schools in Bengaluru receive bomb threat emails; Students evacuated The city police suspect that the emails are a hoax, however they are conducting a probe to rule out all possibilities. As many as 15 schools in Karnataka capital Bengaluru have received bomb threat emails on Friday morning, leading to a panic situation amongst authorities, who are leading searches in the premises of these schools to uncover evidence. The city police suspect that the emails are a hoax, however they are conducting a probe to rule out all possibilities, news…

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Foggy Kashmir Mornings: A Disruption to School Routines

Foggy Kashmir Mornings: A Disruption to School Routines

Kashmir’s Dense Fog Throws School Schedules into Disarray The dense fog that has descended upon Kashmir in recent weeks has caused significant disruptions to school routines, making it challenging for students to reach their schools on time and safely. The thick fog, which often persists until mid-morning, reduces visibility and slows down traffic, making it difficult for buses and private vehicles to navigate safely. Impact on Students and Parents Students and parents have expressed their concerns about the impact of the foggy weather on their schedules. “It’s very difficult to…

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