A Silent Alarm Bell: Climate Change Causes Dryspell In Kashmir, Gulmarg’s Snowless Season Highlights Vulnerability of Himalayan Ecoregion

A Silent Alarm Bell: Climate Change Causes Dryspell In Kashmir, Gulmarg's Snowless Season Highlights Vulnerability of Himalayan Ecoregion

Kashmir’s Silent Winter: A Climate Change Symphony of Loss and Hope By: Javid Amin In the breathtaking tapestry of the Himalayas, where emerald valleys dance with snow-capped peaks, winter usually paints Kashmir in a pristine tapestry of white. Yet, this year, a disquieting silence hangs heavy in the air, broken only by the wind whistling through barren branches. Gulmarg, the glittering crown jewel of winter tourism, lies stark and snowless, its ski slopes yearning for the embrace of fallen flakes. This unprecedented dry spell, a jarring departure from Kashmir’s historical…

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