Unearthing the Scourge of Resource Wastage: A Deeper Look into the Misuse of Vital Resources and Its Ominous Consequences

Unearthing the Scourge of Resource Wastage: A Deeper Look into the Misuse of Vital Resources and Its Ominous Consequences

Food Wastage: A Curse from Almighty By: Javid Amin In the realm of existence, every resource bestowed upon us carries an intrinsic value, a purpose, and a divine providence. Among these, none is more vital than the sustenance that nature bestows upon us, food, the wellspring of life itself. And yet, as we traverse the annals of history, we find instances where this divine gift is squandered, leading to scarcity and suffering. In the paradisiacal region of Kashmir, the mismanagement of resources, especially the misuse of food, paints a grim…

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