The Hidden Pitfalls of Social Media: Unveiling the True Face

The Hidden Pitfalls of Social Media: Unveiling the True Face

By: Javid Amin Before one joins that WhatsApp group or accepts an invitation, it’s crucial to pose a fundamental question: What does one stand to gain from this group? Is it entertainment, networking with like-minded individuals, business opportunities, or something else entirely? Remember, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. The price paid might be time, attention, or, in the worst-case scenario, peace of mind. Indeed, a few months ago, a close friend of mine received an invitation to join a group that seemed relevant to their business pursuits.…

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Kashmir’s youth in the grip of drug addiction

Kashmir's youth in the grip of drug addiction

By: Javid Amin Drug addiction is a pervasive issue in Kashmir, with devastating consequences for individuals and society. The region’s turbulent history, high unemployment rates, and easy access to drugs have all contributed to this crisis. The consequences of drug addiction are far-reaching. In addition to the social and economic costs, drug addiction can also have a devastating impact on the physical and mental health of individuals. IV drug users, for example, are at an increased risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, heart disease, and TB. Children and young adults are particularly…

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