Minister for Health and Medical Education, Chaudhary Lal Singh today said that the crisis-hit primary tertiary care Shere-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) was a “big problem” for the government.
“SKIMS is in a complete mess,” the minister told . Singh said that he has been receiving many complaints about the “administrative faults and mismanagement.”
“You will soon find some massive changes in SKIMS because Government won’t allow any callous approach of its administration to ruin this institution,” he said.
The primary tertiary care, SKIMS, has been in news for some time now for all the wrong reasons. Earlier reported on how the incumbent head of SKIMS continues to be on an ‘unauthorized’ service extension. Also how in a brazen violation of norms, authorities at SKIMS allegedly promoted a peon to the influential post of liaison officer who reportedly handles all the “crucial” matters of the institute. The story about patient care was even worse after SKIMS authorities in a brazen violation of norms dismantled vital and the only Cath-lab – an allegation which the hospital denied later vehemently.
“We don’t work in a system and we try to find loopholes all around. We need to plug in the massive areas where we find there are some grey areas,” the minister said.
“Same are the problems with your SKIMS Medical College; Bemina. We are at it. Some vital decision will be soon taken regarding the management of the college from SKIMS,” Singh said. “It (SKIMS Medical College, Bemina is going to be delinked and will be autonomous soon,” he claimed. He said he was going to take final call on the issue once he would be Vice-Chairman of the institute’s Board of Governing Body.