Vande Bharat Trains to Arrive in Kashmir and Tripura Soon Vande Bharat trains, India’s semi-high speed trains, are expected to be introduced in Srinagar and Tripura within this financial year, Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said on Thursday. In Kashmir, Vande Bharat trains will run on the Jammu-Srinagar railway line, which is expected to be completed soon. In Tripura, Vande Bharat trains will run on the railway line once it is electrified. The government plans to roll out 75 Vande Bharat trains by March next year. It is also considering running…
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Delhi-Amritsar Expressway: A Game Changer for Kashmir’s Connectivity and Economy
In a significant development, the Delhi-Amritsar Expressway, set to open next year, is poised to transform the connectivity landscape of northern India. This modern marvel of infrastructure promises to reduce travel time from Delhi to Srinagar to a mere nine to ten hours, a prospect that has ignited hope and excitement throughout the region. A Boost to Kashmir’s Economy The news of this expressway’s impending inauguration is nothing short of music to our ears. The prospect of traveling from the heart of Delhi to the enchanting beauty of Srinagar in…
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