Power Play Pains Kashmir: Unmetered Consumers Face the Brunt of Tariff Hike

Power Play Pains Kashmir - Unmetered Consumers Face the Brunt of Tariff Hike

Mounting Power Crisis in Kashmir: Unmetered Consumers Bear the Brunt of Tariff Hike Srinagar: The Kashmir Valley is grappling with a significant power crisis, as a recent surge in electricity tariffs disproportionately impacts households in unmetered areas. This development has ignited widespread discontent and calls for a more equitable billing system. Unmetered Consumers Face Steeper Increases The Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL) implemented a substantial hike in electricity tariffs, particularly affecting unmetered consumers. The KPDCL justifies this move by citing higher average consumption patterns observed in unmetered areas and…

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