Congress leader P Chidambaram on Tuesday questioned the role of the judiciary pointing to the people of Jammu and Kashmir and the politicians who are living in a locked down state for nearly 10 months and hoped that the country would “understand the enormity of injustice faced by those in detention”.“As we began Lockdown 4.0 yesterday, my thoughts were with the people of Kashmir who are in a terrible Lockdown within a Lockdown. The worst sufferers are Mehbooba Mufti and her senior colleagues who are still in detention in a…
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Regular Internet blackout thwart fight against coronavirus across Kashmir Valley
For three days without internet or phone service this month, Rouf Ahmad found himself cut off from his family in Indian-administered Kashmir while his mother was receiving treatment for the coronavirus disease. The 23-year-old sociology student is under quarantine in a hospital in Srinagar, Kashmir’s main city, and could not contact the rest of his family to tell them about his mother’s condition as she was treated in the same hospital. “I used to update my sisters and father many times a day about my mother’s status,” he told the…
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