The Begging Conundrum in Srinagar: A Multifaceted Challenge Requiring Comprehensive Solutions

The Begging Conundrum in Srinagar: A Multifaceted Challenge Requiring Comprehensive Solutions

By: Javid Amin Beggary has emerged as a significant issue in Srinagar, the capital city of Jammu and Kashmir, India. A 2019 survey conducted by the Jammu and Kashmir government reported that Srinagar is home to over 10,000 beggars, with approximately 70% originating from outside the state. Beggary is an intricate problem that defies simple solutions. Several factors contribute to the prevalence of begging, including poverty, unemployment, lack of education, and disabilities. Frequently, beggars hail from impoverished and marginalized communities, often left with no alternative means of sustenance. Beggars in…

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