US Report Highlights Concerning Rise in Hate Speech Against Indian Minorities

US Report Highlights Concerning Rise in Hate Speech Against Indian Minorities

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has raised alarms over the escalating issues concerning religious freedoms in India, as reported in the State Department’s 2023 International Religious Freedom Report. Blinken highlighted a significant rise in anti-conversion laws, hate speech, and the destruction of homes and religious sites belonging to minority faith communities in India. In his remarks during the report’s release, Blinken noted the global efforts to safeguard religious freedoms but expressed concern over the deteriorating situation in India. He emphasized the troubling increase in religious intolerance, which was evident…

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The Unseen Crisis: How Online Gambling is Devastating Kashmiri Families

The Unseen Crisis: How Online Gambling is Devastating Kashmiri Families

From Paradise Lost to Debt Found: Online Gambling’s Grip on Kashmir By: Javid Amin Kashmir, a land known for its breathtaking beauty and rich cultural heritage, is facing a hidden crisis – the rampant rise of online gambling addiction. This silent epidemic has infiltrated homes across the region, leaving a trail of financial ruin, emotional turmoil, and shattered dreams in its wake. The Allure and the Trap: A Descent into Quick Riches Online gambling platforms offer a tempting escape, promising the possibility of acquiring wealth with a single click. The…

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NH-44 Gets Yatra-Ready: Smoother Ride for Amarnath Pilgrims!

NH-44 Gets Yatra-Ready: Smoother Ride for Amarnath Pilgrims!

With the monsoon season set to hit Jammu and Kashmir early next month, all eyes are on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway (NH-44), which gets blocked with even a minor spell of rain and will be used by lakhs of pilgrims for the Amarnath Yatra. The Amarnath pilgrimage will begin on June 29, during which thousands of vehicles will use the NH-44 to reach the holy cave shrine in Anantnag district of Kashmir. The pilgrims will first reach Jammu and take a halt here before starting their journey in cavalcades, along…

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NC and PDP Applaud Srinagar MP Aga Ruhullah Mehdi for Article 370 Advocacy in Parliament

NC and PDP Applaud Srinagar MP Aga Ruhullah Mehdi for Article 370 Advocacy in Parliament

A maiden speech by National Conference (NC) MP from Srinagar Aga Ruhullah Mehdi, asking Speaker Om Birla to act as the guardian of the Constitution in the Parliament rather than the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members, has evoked widespread response across the party lines, with political leaders praising Mehdi. In his address, Mehdi raised two issues — objectionable remarks against a Muslim MP and the swift passing of the Bill abrogating the Article 370. “Congratulations on being elected the Speaker again. Following this, I request you to remember that from…

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Nizam-ud-din Bhat Quits People’s Conference: What’s Next for the Former J&K Legislator?

Nizam-ud-din Bhat Quits People’s Conference: What’s Next for the Former J&K Legislator?

Two-time former legislator and former Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) general secretary had jumped ship to the People’s Conference in 2021; sources said he could go back to the PDP Three years after joining the Peoples Conference (PC), former legislator Nizam-ud-din Bhat on Wednesday disassociated from the party. The two-time former legislator and former Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) general secretary had jumped ship to the PC in 2021. Sources said that Bhat could go back to the PDP as he enjoys good rapport with the PDP leadership. The development comes close…

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DSP Rank Officer Booked in Disproportionate Assets Case in Jammu

DSP Rank Officer Booked in Disproportionate Assets Case in Jammu

Case registered at the ACB Jammu police station on the outcome of a verification conducted into the allegations that the accused has acquired huge assets disproportionate to his known source of income The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Wednesday booked deputy superintendent of police Chanchal Singh in connection with a disproportionate assets case. A case has been registered at the Anti-Corruption Bureau Jammu police station on the outcome of a verification conducted into the allegations that the accused has acquired huge assets disproportionate to his known source of income. “The verification…

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