Silent Threat in Paradise: Rising Hypertension Among Kashmir’s Youth

Silent Threat in Paradise: Rising Hypertension Among Kashmir's Youth

Taming the Silent Killer: Building a Culture of Hypertension Management in Kashmir By: Saika J Kashmir, the “Crown of India,” renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and rich culture, faces a growing health concern – a rise in hypertension (high blood pressure) among children and teenagers. This silent killer, often undetected, can have devastating consequences if left untreated. Let’s delve deeper into this alarming trend and explore strategies to protect Kashmir’s young generation. A Global Pandemic with Local Impact Hypertension is a global health crisis, and India is no exception. According…

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Kashmir’s Climate Curveball: Srinagar Nears 30°C Amid Missing Western Disturbances

Kashmir’s Climate Curveball: Srinagar Nears 30°C Amid Missing Western Disturbances

Srinagar : Srinagar has been experiencing warmer days with temperatures soaring to a maximum of around 29.7 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 13.6 degrees Celsius on Friday even as the Meteorological Department officials predict an upward trend in mercury in the coming days. “The temperatures will rise further in the coming days in Kashmir,” senior meteorologist Sonam Lotus told. “There is an absence of active Western Disturbance and a stable atmosphere prevailing in J&K.” The senior meteorologist said that there was a likely chance of slight respite from the…

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Chugh’s Charge: Kashmir Seeks End to ‘Abdullah-Mufti Era’ of Exploitation

Chugh’s Charge: Kashmir Seeks End to ‘Abdullah-Mufti Era’ of Exploitation

BJP general secretary Tarun Chugh who is also party incharge for J&K today called upon people to push Abdullahs and Muftis to oblivion in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Addressing a series of public meetings in Poonch district Chugh said the politics of separation and pro-Pakistan played by them needed to be dumped decisively. All these years J&K has been a victim of vicious forces who kept the people in dark for their cheap and ant-national politics. Chugh said Abdullahs, Muftis Gandhis filled their coffers but kept people of Kashmir…

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Choose Prudently: Omar Urges Voters to Deliver Decisive Message to BJP

Choose Prudently: Omar Urges Voters to Deliver Decisive Message to BJP

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah on Friday asked people to vote wisely and send a “clear and categorical message” to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its “blunders and injustices” committed with people of J&K. He said this while addressing a series of public gatherings in Gurez and Tulail. The meetings were organised by senior leader and In-Charge Constituency Gurez Nazir Ahmad Khan Gurezi, the party said in a statement issued here. In his address, Omar questioned, “Why A, B and C teams are…

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