Sub-Zero Temperatures Descend on Kashmir: Pahalgam Registers Record Low of -6.9°C, Srinagar at -3.7°C

Sub-Zero Temperatures Descend on Kashmir: Pahalgam Registers Record Low of -6.9°C, Srinagar at -3.7°C

Kashmir Shivers Under Bitterly Cold Night: Season’s Lowest Temperatures Recorded

A bone-chilling night engulfed South Kashmir on Tuesday as temperatures plunged across the region, marking the season’s coldest night so far. This biting cold wave, following a brief respite due to snowfall, sent shivers down residents’ spines and intensified the winter’s grip.

According to Kashmir News Observer, sub-zero temperatures blanketed all weather stations in the region, leaving residents battling the relentless cold. Qazigund and Pahalgam emerged as the epicenters of this frigid night, recording a bone-chilling minus 4.2°C and minus 6.9°C respectively. Even Srinagar, the summer capital, wasn’t spared, shivering at minus 3.7°C.

The famed ski-resort of Gulmarg, a haven for winter sports enthusiasts, turned into a frozen wonderland with a bone-chilling minus 6.6°C. Further north, Kupwara experienced a drop to minus 3.8°C, while Kokernag recorded a slightly warmer minus 3.1°C.

Offering little comfort to those braving the cold, the Meteorological department forecasts dry weather conditions until December 28th. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Director of the department, informed Kashmir News Observer that generally dry weather is expected until December 22nd. He further elaborated that light snowfall over isolated higher reaches may occur on December 23rd, followed by continued dryness from December 24th to 28th.

This extended period of dry weather might not bring relief to residents hoping for snow to replenish water sources and dampen the harshness of the cold. Nonetheless, it allows for some predictability and preparation for the remaining days of this frigid spell.

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