Hurriyat (G) chairman on Friday accused the government of devising a “kill list” to target “pro-freedom leaders and activists and those civil society members, business leaders, government employees and journalists, who have not succumbed to their machinations.”
In a statement, released after police foiled his attempt to address a press conference in Hyderpora, Geelani said that the list has been devised after the current phase of the freedom struggle “unnerved India and its local stooges”.
“This is a very serious issue and we warn the occupier and their local stooges that any such misadventure will have serious repercussions,” warned Geelani.
The octogenarian leader said that no fight can be won without people sacrificing their lives and livelihoods.
“We closed our businesses and shuttered our shops. Our labourers, masons, transporters, shikarawallas, ponywallas, carpenters, weavers and others are at the forefront of the struggle, sacrificing their livelihoods. This is the struggle of every soul—-farmers, doctors, teachers, school children and government employees,” he said.
“These sacrifices are the building blocks of the free nation we are destined to become.”
He also thanked people and the government of Pakistan for “once again” proving that they are “our friends and well-wishers.”
“We are also thankful to several other countries like China, Norway, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Iran and to the Organization of Islamic countries (OIC) for expressing concern over the brutal repression by India in Kashmir. We are also thankful to Turkey for its unambiguous support to our just struggle for freedom from Indian occupation,” he said.
He also expressed gratification at Kashmiri writers who he said were “writing with complete clarity of thought and immense courage to portray the truthful picture of our struggle”.
“Our own writers are narrating the horrors that our people are suffering at the hands of the occupying Indian state, and are giving voice to the collective aspirations of the people for freedom.”
He also thanked the International press for reporting “honestly and humanely about an occupation that is a shame to human values.”
He said that the struggle for freedom is a continuous process and “we must not lose the clarity of the present moment to the slumber of the so-called normalcy.”
“The current phase of the freedom struggle is a powerful push towards our decisive march of freedom from India.”
He appealed to the people to set up Bait-ul-Maals in every Mohalla and village so that those who suffered the most are identified at the most basic levels.
“I again appeal for setting up Bait-ul-Maal in every mohalla and village. We should constantly monitor the condition of those who have been injured and work for their long-term rehabilitation.”
“We must own our martyrs and help their families in every possible manner and not let them become prey to the exploitative politics of Indian stooges here.”
He said that the current united struggle has “shaken” India.
“India has once again started the farce of engagement that it time and again has used to divert attention from the reality on the ground here. They will come again to ask – what do we want. They know the answer to that question. We want freedom,” he said.