Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday lashed out at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for politicising his visit to Jammu and Kashmir. ”BJP says ‘Rahul Gandhi is on a tour’. For them, meeting the poor is a tour, when they meet industrialists its politics,” he said while a addressing a gathering in Baramulah.
Rahul Gandhi pointed out that the people who were affected by ceasefire violations wanted compensation for the damages suffered by them. Gandhi also condemned the opposition’s move to play politics over the Congress’ posters and flags in Srinagar. ”The Congress Party is an ideology. Removing a few hoardings and banners won’t change the love which the people have for the Congress.”
“The Congress respects everyone irrespective of their religion, caste or creed,” he added. Rahul Gandhi is on a two-day visit to the border areas of Jammu and Kashmir and interacting with the people who have suffered by the cease-fire violations