Canine Conundrum in Srinagar: Stray Dog Attacks Spark Community Concerns

Canine Conundrum in Srinagar: Stray Dog Attacks Spark Community Concerns

A Delicate Dance: Balancing Public Safety and Animal Welfare in Nawa Kadal Srinagar: The narrow, winding streets of Khanqah-e-Sokhta in Nawa Kadal, Srinagar, have always pulsed with life. Children’s laughter mingles with the rhythmic calls of vendors, creating a symphony of everyday life in the heart of the Old City. However, a recent event has disrupted this harmony, casting a shadow of fear and apprehension over the close-knit community. A stray dog, fiercely protective of her newborn puppies, has attacked six residents, sending shockwaves through this peaceful neighborhood. What began…

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