Today, the web completed 30 years on Earth. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) on March 12, 1989 at CERN, a research organization near Geneva. CERN is now giving users access to the first website created.
The first website can be accessed through the URL “” which also happens to be the original address. Titled “World Wide Web”, the website has hyperlinks to different documents related to the web. Here, users can find out what is hypertext, a summary of the project, software products and help with the browser.
It also features a list of people associated with the World Wide Web project. Including Tim Berners-Lee, CERN researchers like Eelco van Asperen, Carl Barker, Robert Cailliau, Dan Connolly among others were involved in creating the World Wide Web. The history of World Wide Web lists the entire timeline of the project which started in March 1989.
The browser was first released to “limited audience” in March 1991, and then made available to central CERN machines later on May 17. It was finally available for public use in August, 1991.
WWW in simple terms is a storage space for documents and other files which are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). WWW resources are identified by users on the internet through web browsers.
Google also has a special doodle celebrating the 30th anniversary of WWW.