National conference Monday castigated BJP for making irresponsible statements aimed at disrupting peace and tranquillity in the state. “People who have created a wedge between communities in the state are now finding new ways of escaping the blame. It is a shame that BJP claims that the recent unrest in the Valley is at the behest of NC. It is they who are forcing ordinary people and youngsters to pick up arms by their repressive, autocratic and communally motivated policies.” Said Nasir Aslam Wani, Provincial President Kashmir NC.
Rather than concentrating on rehabilitation of flood victims in the Valley, BJP and its cohort PDP are making inflammatory speeches just to divert public attention and escape accountability,” he further said.
National Conference has and will always fight for the dignity of the people of the state. We have defeated the evil designs of the communal forces earlier and today also we are ready to thwart all such plans aimed at demonizing Kashmiri youth.
The youth of the state had expectations of a better life and jobs but what they received instead was just rhetoric and such deceptive remarks. The government just announced a Recruitment Policy that they touted a s a ‘miracle’ but it proved to be a cruel joke.
“As far as waving of flags is concerned, it is a clear sign of frustration of youth due to repression and tyrannical policies of the present regime. It is a well known fact that ever since this ‘unholy’ alliance happened, instances of educated youth joining militancy has increased. BJP needs to look inwards before making remarks against NC”, Nasir said.